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From Italy to Saint Louis: Adaptin to COVID-19

Autores: Abbatecola Angela Marie

Fecha: 2020

Ámbito de interés: Covid-19

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Revista 2.24

Anti-Angiogenic Drugs, Vascular Toxicity and Thromboembolism in Solid Cancer

Autores: Silvia Riondino, Girolamo Del Monte, Federica Fratangeli, Fiorella Guadagni, Mario Roselli y Patrizia Ferroni

Fecha: 2017

Ámbito de interés: Coagulación y oncología

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Platelet gel ishighlyeffective in treating muco-cutaneouslesionsrelated to graft-versus-hostdisease.


Fecha: 2011

Ámbito de interés: Hematología/Medicina Transfusional

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Evaluating HIV/AIDS education and prevention models targeting minorities, mobile and migrant populations:A systematic literature review. HAART and correlatedpathologies

Autores: Ave I,Fazioli C, Di Palma R, Mirisola C, Salman R

Fecha: 2013

Ámbito de interés: salud pública

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