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Revista 2,394

Descubrir pathways of sarcopenia in older adults: a role for insulin resistance on mitochondria dysfunction

Autores: Abbatecola AM, Paolisso G, Fattoretti P, Evans WJ, Fiore V, Dicioccio L, Lattanzio F.

Fecha: 2011

Ámbito de interés: nutrición, envejecimiento

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Revista 1,987

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a multicentre clinical study by the Italian Association for the Study of Liver

Autores: Loguercio C, De Simone T, D’Auria MV, de Sio I, Federico A, Tuccillo C, Abbatecola AM, Del Vecchio Blanco C; Italiana AISF Clinical Group

Fecha: 2004

Ámbito de interés: gastroenterología

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Hepaticfollicularlymphoma in an oldpatient with Crohn’sdisease: a rare case and review of the literature

Autores: L Scucchi 1, B Neri, R Argirò, D Nasso, I Provenzano, S Potenza, M Mossa, M DiPrete, E Calabrese, C Petruzziello, A Mauriello, G Monteleone, M Cantonetti, L Biancone

Fecha: 2020

Ámbito de interés: Hematología

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Revista 3,642

Body composition markers in older persons with COPD.

Autores: Abbatecola AM, Fumagalli A, Spazzafumo L, Betti V, Misuraca C, Corsonello A, Querubini A, Guffanti EE, Lattanzio F

Fecha: 2014

Ámbito de interés: envejecimiento

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