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Revista 3,264

Age-related differences in the expression of circulating microRNAs: miR-21 as a new circulating marker of inflammaging

Autores: Olivieri F, Spazzafumo L, Santini G, Lazzarini R, Albertini MC, Rippo MR, Galeazzi R, Abbatecola AM, Marcheselli F, Monti D, Ostan R, Cevenini E, Antonicelli R, Franceschi C, Procopio AD

Fecha: 2012

Ámbito de interés: envejecimiento, geriatría

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Revista 2,659

Screening for frailty in elderly emergency department patients by using the Identification of Seniors At Risk (ISAR).

Autores: Salvi F, Morichi V, Grilli A, Lancioni L, Spazzafumo L, Polonara S, Abbatecola AM, De Tommaso G, Dessi-Fulgheri P, Lattanzio F

Fecha: 2012

Ámbito de interés: nutrición, envejecimiento

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Revista 14,6

Estimation of lead-time bias and its impact on the outcome of surveillance for the early diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma.

Autores: Cuchillas A

Fecha: Aug 2014

Ámbito de interés: hepatológico

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Revista 7,802

Severe hypoglycemia is associated with antidiabetic oral treatment compared with insulin analogs in nursing home patients with type 2 diabetes and dementia: results from the DIMORA study.

Autores: Abbatecola AM, Bo M, Barbagallo M, Incalzi RA, Pilotto A, Bellelli G, Maggi S, Paolisso G; Italian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics (SIGG), Florence, Italy

Fecha: 2015

Ámbito de interés: long term care

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