Regulatory reference | Name of the individual obligation | Contents of the obligation | Update |
Art. 18, Legislative Decree no. 33/2013 Art. 53, c. 14, Legislative Decree no. 165/2001 | Assignments conferred and authorized to employees (managers and non-managers) (to be published in tables) | List of assignments conferred or authorized to each employee (executive and non-executive), with an indication of the purpose, duration and remuneration due for each assignment | Timely (pursuant to art. 8, Legislative Decree no. 33/2013) |
For the assignments conferred and authorized to employees pursuant to art. 9 bis of Legislative Decree 33/2013 and subsequent amendments, please refer to the web page Ministry for Public Administration – Benefits Registry.
To activate the search, enter in the Administration field “Local Health Unit of Frosinone” and select, using the filter on the right, the object of the search tasks conferred and authorized to employees – dip) and the reference year.
For the annuities prior to the entry into force, from the year 2018, of art. 9 bis of Legislative Decree 33/2013 and subsequent amendments, see the annexes.