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Report/Poster of Convention/Congress Act

Role of sedo-analgesia in execution of bone marrow biopsies

Authors: Postorino M., Rossi R., Zizzari A. G., Marchesi F., Provenzano I., Franceschini L., Pupo L., Rizzo M., .Giannì L, Gumenyuk S., De Santis G., Renzi D., Guiducci G., Fiorelli E., Coniglione F., Puliti R., Berrini A., Dauri M..

Date: 2012

Scope of interest: Haematology

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Earlydetection of IgHmonoclonalrearrangenent in follicularspicules of the nosepreceding multiple myelomadiagnosis. Case report and review of the literature”

Authors: Mazzeo M,Di Raimondo C,Gurnari C,Rapanotti MC,Giunta A,Franceschini L,Rizzo M,MinieriM,Provenzano I,Bernardini S,Cantonetti M,Bianchi L

Date: 2018

Scope of interest: Haematology

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Report/Poster of Convention/Congress Act

Severe hypoglycemia is associated with the use of oral anti-diabetics compared to insulin in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in RSA: Results of the HOME STUDY

Authors: Abbatecola A.M., Bo M., Barbagallo M., Antonelli Incalzi R., Pilotto A., Bellelli G., Maggi S., Paolisso G

Date: 2014

Scope of interest: RSA, diabetes

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Report/Poster of Convention/Congress Act

Psychosocial Interventions in Day Centres: effective, but feasible?

Authors: Abatecola Angela Marie

Date: 2022

Scope of interest: Alzheimer's

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