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Magazine 13.13

Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown measures on the local stroke network.

Authors: Brunetti V, Broccolini A, Caliandro P, Di Iorio R, Monforte M, Morosetti R, Piano C, Pilato F, Bellavia S, Marotta J, Scala I, Pedicelli A, Pennisi MA, Caricato A, Roberti C, Altavista MC, Valenza A, Distefano M, Cecconi E, Fanella M, Roncacci S, Tasillo M, Calabresi P, Frisullo G, Marca GD

Date: 2021

Scope of interest: Cerebrovascular diseases

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Magazine 2,791

Physical Frailty: ICFSR International Clinical Practice Guidelines for Identification and Management.

Authors: Dent E, Morley JE, Cruz-Jentoft AJ, Woodhouse L, Rodríguez-Mañas L, Fried LP, Woo J, Aprahamian I, Sanford A, Lundy J, Landi F, Beilby J, Martin FC, Bauer JM, Ferrucci L, Merchant RA, Dong B, Arai H, Hoogendijk EO, Won CW, Abbatecola AM, Cederholm T, Strandberg T, Gutiérrez Robledo LM, Flicker L, Bhasin S, Aubertin-Leheudre M, Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Guralnik JM, Muscedere J, Pahor M, Ruiz J, Negm AM, Reginster JY, Waters DL, Vellas B

Date: 2019

Scope of interest: geriatrics

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Report/Poster of Convention/Congress Act

Analysis of the costs of RHD genotyping and anti-D immunoprophylaxis in D-variant women with pregnancy potential.

Authors: Matteocci A., et. al., D’Amico C. et al.

Date: 2020

Scope of interest: Transfusion Medicine

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Magazine 4,104

Advanced technology care innovation for older people in Italy: necessity and opportunity to promote health and wellbeing

Authors: Lattanzio F, Abbatecola AM, Bevilacqua R, Chiatti C, Corsonello A, Rossi L, Bustacchini S, Bernabei R.

Date: 2014

Scope of interest: long term care, geriatrics

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