Pathological Anatomy Unit

The Pathological Anatomy UOC works in a Team composed of auxiliary, secretarial, TSLB, nursing and medical personnel specialized in providing accurate, complete, timely and clinically relevant:

  • Histological and cytological diagnosis;
  • Training and updating of company and extra-company health personnel;
  • Consulting of particular company and extra-company clinical cases;
  • Custody, storage and availability of human tissue samples;
  • Recording and transmission of data to disease registers (tumours …etc).

The Management of the OU intends to pursue this objective through:

  • up-to-date, reliable technologies for efficiency and effectiveness;
  • better internal procedural organisation and involvement of all ASL staff, favouring the integration of diagnostic and clinical activity.

The Complex Company Structure of Pathological and Cytodiagnostic Anatomy plays a central role in the diagnostic phase of the main diseases with particular reference to the diagnosis of oncological diseases. Its activity is carried out in carrying out diagnostic evaluations of biopsy samples of outpatient activity and surgical, intra- and post-operative samples.

Modern Pathological Anatomy sees in the histopathological report, a complex and articulated diagnostic medical act, resulting from the elaboration of precise and profound knowledge of macroscopic anatomy and microscopic histology, the culminating moment in which all the essential information for the therapeutic management of the Patient is summarized.

This assumption is particularly true when considering that modern cancer therapy is based on the evaluation of prognostic factors (expected events such as relapse rate and mortality) and predictive factors (response of the disease to different therapeutic treatments).

Services / Activities provided

The Complex Operating Unit provides diagnostic activities in the Histo-cytopathological field with reference to the performance of:

  • histological and intraoperative examinations;
  • cytology of the effusions;
  • vaginal cytology (Pap test);
  • needle aspiration cytology;
  • autopsy findings;
  • immunohistochemical and pharmacodiagnostic determinations;
  • sISH determinations;
  • cervical Vaginal Screening programs after the first level, Breast and Colon;
  • intramural free-professional activity;
  • consultancy on external preparations;
  • Molecular Pathology.

The Project Creation of a molecular registry of colorectal cancer and a biological bank (DNA, RNA, tissues and cells of the tumor) for individual patients, in the provinces of Viterbo and Frosinone: a personalized approach to cancer patient therapy with FEDERSANITÀ ANCI and the Department of Ecology and Biology (DEB), University of Tuscia.

How to deliver biological material

The samples must be accompanied by a request relating to the type of examination and suitably stored in appropriate containers. For access, the user will be informed in advance by the Secretariat staff about the methods and timing of the exam.

See: How to access

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How to pay for benefits

The payment of the service (ticket, paying or self-employed) takes place at the Hospital’s CUP, which will issue the receipt (s) of payment.

The user will be notified if the cost of the service may vary, with respect to what was paid to the CUP, in relation to particular additional diagnostic methods should they become necessary.

CUP hours: 6 days a week: Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 17.30 – Saturday from 08.00 to 13.00.

Regional ReCup:06.9939

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How to collect the report

The user will be given a reminder containing information relating to:

  • date and place for the collection of the report;
  • proxy in the event that the data subject is unable to withdraw the report.

Regulatory references on failure to withdraw the report (art. 4 Law 412/91 amended with Law 296/06)

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What average times are expected for diagnoses

Average reporting times vary depending on the complexity of the case, the relationship between workloads and the availability of technical, biological, medical and secretarial staff.

Indicative, in working days, from the acceptance of the sample:

  • Histology: 20/28 days from acceptance of the sample;
  • Cytology: 15/20 days from acceptance of the sample;
  • Uterine Cervical Screening: <20 days (levels after the first one);
  • Pap test: 25/30 days from acceptance of the sample;
  • Emergencies: 2/3 days from sample acceptance, for diagnoses that do not require immunohistochemistry.

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What is meant by diagnostic prolongation

Diagnostic prolongation is the reporting time greater than that reported in the table and is, in general, determined by the particular complexity of the case that requires further investigation (immunohistochemistry, cytogenetics, molecular biology) or that requires a collegial sharing or a second opinion from non-Company reference structures.

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How to order your own Organic material (including paraffin and slides)

The patient may request the material used for the examination (blocks and slides) and a copy of the relevant documentation for further investigations at another facility. For information on methods and times, contact the Secretariat.

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What are the storage times of Slides-Included in Paraffin preparations

The current legislation provides for the storage, by the Health Structure, of the preparations for 10 years, therefore users can request the preparations, at any time within a maximum of ten years from the date of collection.

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I can rest assured about privacy and data protection

Protection of personal/sensitive data.

Pursuant to the GDPR, (General Data Protection Regulation) approved by EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 and applicable from 25 May 2018, the Director is the Data Processor of personal data, delegated by the Data Controller; he guarantees to respect and enforce the rules of secrecy and confidentiality of sensitive data relating to the recipients of the service and the services provided.

For further information regarding the methods of processing personal/sensitive data, you can contact the Director of the Pathological Anatomy UOC and the AUSL Privacy Manager of Frosinone.

Company Privacy Office – Viale G. Mazzini snc c/o S.Pre.S.A.L. Frosinone

Phone: 0775.2074 08 – Fax: 0775.2074 09 – Email:

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The recipients of the Pathological Anatomy UOC are the following:

  • Company Territory (Hospitals of Frosinone-Alatri, Cassino, Sora, Anagni, Pontecorvo, Breast Unit, Outpatient Clinics of the Districts and Territorial Consultants, General Practitioners and Paediatricians of Free Choice);
  • Extra-Company Territory of the Regional and National Health Service;
  • Physicians in free professional activity.

How to access

Registration of the Request and possible payment of the ticket to the Company CUPS of the territory:

  1. Form (former pink prescription) of the National Health Service (NHS) – white binding;
  2. By first submitting the Request to the Department Secretariat on the letterhead of the specialist doctor. In this case, the user must support:
    • or the entire cost of the investigations, as per regional tariff;
    • or in Freelance Scheme (List of benefits and related costs displayed in the Secretariat)

Please note:

  • The User delivers a sample and a detailed medical request relating to the type of examination.
  • The User will be informed in the Secretariat about ways and times for the requested service.
  • For urinary cytology, the Secretariat will provide the 3 containers and the information necessary for the collection, delivery and collection of the report free of charge.

Hours and Days of Receipt

The Secretariat is open to the public for the acceptance of biological samples and the collection of diagnostic reports, from Monday to Saturday, from 08.00 to 13.45.

Workshop Service Hours: from 07.00 to 17.00

Intramoenia activities to be agreed directly with the chosen specialist.

For the District offices of Sora and Cassino, access is at the Biological Sampling Service of the respective Districts.


Manager: Prof. Piero Luigi Alò

Frosinone Headquarters

  • Address: Via Armando Fabi, Palazzina Q, Ground Floor (near the CUP, corridor on the right, then on the left) – 03100 Frosinone
  • Phone: 0775.8822185
  • Email:
  • Email Director:
  • Telephone Dr. Roberto Arcese Anatomopathologist: 0775.8822186
  • Phone Dr. Giuseppe Di Cioccio Anatomopathologist: 0775.8822277
  • Phone Dr. Pantaleo Boccia Anatomopathologist: 0775.8822064
  • Telephone Dr. Renato Reitano Anatomopathologist: 0775.8822221
  • Telephone Dr. Alessandra Perfetti Anatomopathologist: 0775.8822221
  • Phone Sara Ienzi Anatomopathologist: 0775.8822221
  • Phone Dr. Marco Raimondi Anatomopathologist: 0775.8822101
  • Telephone Dr. Claudia Quintiliani Anatomopathologist: 0775.8822367
  • Telephone Dr. Laura Tomasello Anatomopathologist: 0775.8822367
  • Phone Dr. Biologist Ornella Rodi: 0775.8822367
  • Phone Dr. Federica Fratangeli Biologist: 0775.8822367
  • Dr Concetta Cafiero Biologist Telephone: 0775.1709899
  • Telephone/Fax Secretariat: 0775.8822183
  • Acceptance Area Phone: 0775.8822387
  • Laboratory Phone: 0775.8822339
  • Telephone Administration Coordination Area: 0775.8822185 – 0775.8822186
  • ASL Switchboard Phone: 0775.8821

Last Updated: 01/04/2022

Pubblicato il: 21/03/2022

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