UOSD Social Work

The Social Worker is a figure of great professional importance

Let’s discover together everything there is to know about his role and his important activity:

Where does it operate?
In the Local Health Authority of Frosinone, social workers are present:

  • in the Health Directorates of the Hospitals of Frosinone and Cassino and in the departments of haematology and infectious diseases;
  • in Cognitive Disorders and Dementias Centres;
  • in the Single Access Points of the Health Districts;
  • in the Mental Health Services (Community, Day Centers; SPDC, D.C.A. and Rems) of the Addictions and the Prison Circuit;
  • in the Immigrant Healthcare Service;
  • in Family Consultants and Services for the Protection of the Evolutionary Age;
  • in the Integrated Home Care services as well as in the Hygiene and Public Health Service following the Covid 19 emergency.

What is your job?
The social worker carries out a very important job in support of disabled and elderly people who are not self-sufficient, children in difficulty, people suffering from oncological diseases, Pathological Addictions and Mental Disorder, prisoners, homeless people and/or without family members, women and children in situations of violence, collaborating with the Health Services and with the Social Services of the territory, in order to activate an integrated support network.

Social workers promote socio-health interventions in their work in order to facilitate an early response to discomfort, collaborating with health personnel and Volunteer Associations, promptly identifying the level of vulnerability and social risk to allow the planning and construction of a suitable path. By activating the territorial network of services, they therefore bring together the resources of the patient and his/her family, relational and social context.

Who is the social worker’s activity aimed at?
The activity carried out by the social worker is free of charge and does not require a reservation.

It is aimed at citizens residing or domiciled in the territory who are in conditions of social fragility, reduced autonomy due to reasons related to illness, age, sudden and unforeseen care needs.

How to access this service?
It can be accessed at the request of the person concerned or their representative (family member, guardian, support administrator), on the report of institutional bodies (Court, Police Headquarters, School, etc.) on the report of the Hospital, the General Practitioner or the Paediatrician.

  • Dr. Nisia Lucchetti


  • Dr. Nisia Lucchetti


Frosinone Headquarters

  • Address: Via A. Fabi, 1st Floor General Management Building – 03100 Frosinone
  • Phone: 0775.8822286
  • Email: nisia.lucchetti@aslfrosinone.it

Last Updated: 04/04/2022

Pubblicato il: 28/03/2022

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