The UOSD UTN of the F. Spaziani Hospital in Frosinone is a level I unit, structured as part of the
Corporate GODDESS and area B of the stroke network of the Lazio region which has as ITS REFERENCE HUB THE
Level II Stroke Unit of the PTV (Policlinico Tor Vergata – RM), with which it shares the clinical path-
that regulates the procedures for taking charge of the patient suffering from a Brain Stroke.
It is equipped with 6 beds + 1 (insulation) equipped with multiparameter monitor (model 8-V8), fan
(model 60 – Monnal T60) for invasive and non-invasive care and bed with
weighing and anti-decubitus system.
It welcomes patients with vascular pathology in the acute phase with centralisation by means of pre-notification with the
mdg of the UTN at the PS of the PO of Frosinone in collaboration with the CO of 118 as per PDTA
It provides for the transfer to affiliated Neurorehabilitation and/or Long-term Care facilities of
hospitalized patients.
It provides for the continuous training of all the staff structured at the Company PPSS for
updating the Guidelines and adopting the new PDTAs.
There are active outpatient clinics of Neurosonology, Study of cerebrovascular diseases dedicated to follow-up
post hospitalization and visits by patients from the provincial territory.
The UOSD UTN staff consists of:
- 1 doctor in charge
- 5 neurovascular doctors
- 1 CPSI Coordinator
- 11 CPSI
- 3 Support operators
In reality, the neurovascular multidisciplinary team consists of:
- DEA doctor (h24)
- Neurovascular Physician (h 24)
- Medical Radiologist(h 24)
- Medical Anesthesiologist-Resuscitator (h 24)
- Nurses/ Speech Therapists/ Physiotherapists/Dietitian
- Laboratory analysis service (24 hours a day)
- Neurosurgeon (h24)
- Physician Nutritionist for artificial foods (N.E./N.P.T.)
- Interventional radiologist at the Tor Vergata Polyclinic (ADVICE system + telephone consultation)
- Operators 118
The UTN guarantees:
- H 24 – Baseline brain computed tomography (CT), or angio-CT for the study of the intra and extracranial circulation and Perfusion study with a 128-layer multi-layer volumetric apparatus;
- H 12 Magnetic resonance imaging with diffusion weighed images (DWI MRI), angio –RM
- Neurosonological diagnosis of supra-aortic (TSA) and intracranial (transcranial) trunks
- T-T and T-E echocardiography service of the UOC of Cardiology of the PO of Frosinone
- Collaboration with the Frosinone PO Arrhythmology service for PMK and Loop-recorder implantation.
- Collaboration with the UOC of Neurology of the PO of Frosinone for Neurorophysiopathology exams
- H 24 Intravenous fibrinolytic therapy
- H24 Endovascular Procedures (Mechanical Thrombectomy, Angioplasty and stent placement) with subsequent activation of the back-transport procedure
- Rehabilitation service (physiotherapy, speech therapy) ASL Frosinone
- Carotid TEA treatment in collaboration with the Vascular Surgery of the Umberto I Polyclinic HUB in Rome.
Services/activities provided
- Cerebrovascular disease outpatient clinic: active every Thursday from 09:00 to 11:00 for post-patient follow-up and, at 11:00 to 13:00 active for access to patients through ReCUP
- PAC (P438): active from September 2022 for patients who do not require hospitalisation but for whom an in-depth diagnosis is indicated.
Access to the hospital at the UOSD UTN takes place through URGENT access at the PP.SS.
Companies for time-dependent diseases (red code/Stroke code) upon indication of the consultancy
neurovascular carried out by the doctor on duty UTN.
Time of visit to patients and days of receipt.
Time of visit to patients and days of receipt.
The visiting hours for patients are for every day from 17:00 to 17:45; at the same time the doctor of
uTN is available to family members for information on the course of hospitalization.
The UOSD UTN of Frosinone has received the following awards within the framework of the ESO-ANGELS
- 2018-2019 GOLD CENTER
The criteria for awarding prizes are based on international guidelines relating to the path of
patients affected by Ischemic Stroke.
Head of UOSD UTN Dr. Maurizio Plocco
CSPI Coordinator Dr. Monica Trinti
Address: via Armando Fabi – F. Spaziani Hospital 03100 Frosinone
Telephone: 0775.1883390 (switchboard 0775.8821)