The Local Health Authority of Frosinone is responsible to the Lazio Region for achieving the health objectives assigned. The Company carries out the public function of health protection and promotion, which it pursues by managing and developing an integrated network of health services for prevention, care and rehabilitation and a network of social and health services in the hospital, outpatient and home settings.
The Company carries out its functions ensuring universal access to health services, in compliance with the principles of safeguarding the dignity of the human person, the right to health protection, the appropriateness and effectiveness of care and the right to confidentiality.
In order to pursue its mission, maintaining the highest standards of quality and efficiency, the Company promotes and supports, in compliance with the guidelines of regional health programming and also through the activation of forms of collaboration with public or private entities, initiatives aimed at planning and promoting innovation and research in the clinical and management field. With this in mind, it aims to promote and transfer the results of scientific research into clinical, care and management practice.
The Mission of the ASL of Frosinone
The ASL of Frosinone is part of the social economic context of the Lazio Region and consciously acknowledges the economic difficulties of the moment without compromising the institutional mission of the Company which is responsible for guaranteeing all citizens of the area of competence an adequate offer of services.
The strategic mission of the Company is to respond to the health needs and expectations of citizens, ensuring effective health promotion, prevention and care interventions, accessible promptly and without barriers of culture, language and socio-economic conditions, respecting the person and in safety conditions, using available resources efficiently.
Its mission is therefore the promotion, maintenance and development of the state of health of the community through compliance with criteria and conditions that represent the guiding principles for the correct management of the Company and which are reported below:
- respect for the dignity and freedom of the human person, fairness and professional ethics;
- constant adaptation of health facilities and services to the needs of citizens;
- guarantee of fairness and accessibility to services and services by citizens;
- clinical-care quality according to the principle of appropriateness and the promotion of scientific research in clinical care and management practice;
- involvement and qualification of human resources, through permanent training and updating programmes aimed at technological innovations and the adaptation of the company system;
- economic sustainability of the system, expressed by the compatibility between the available resources and the costs of the services offered, to be pursued through the planning of the use of resources according to priority and fundamental health needs, consolidating inter-institutional, organizational and professional integration, in a logic of correct and economic use of resources.
The Vision of the ASL of Frosinone
The Company’s vision consists of being and wanting to be part of a system widely oriented towards the continuous improvement of the quality of care to meet the increasingly complex needs of citizens, making use of the evolution of techniques and knowledge.
A reliable, competitive and recognized company, capable of making sustainable choices that guarantee quality, safety and equity in the health governance system, integrated into the local and regional network, based on principles of public ethics. It recognizes professionals and is recognized through their skills, as a hub of organizational innovation, clinical governance, research, intra and extra-company integration.
The company Vision is expressed in the project of creating a strategic plan of strong integration with the various sectors of the local community, in order to achieve a health policy, understood as the quality of life of the entire community.
The Company’s strategic vision is aimed at consolidating the awareness that health is not a linear result produced by a technical-professional performance, but a result socially constructed by the interaction of numerous factors (cultural, social, relational, biological, economic).
This makes the transition from health care to a coordinated health plan necessary and timely.
The Company recognizes the centrality of the person and their needs and health expectations as the need to take charge of its users, through the creation of a network of integrated social care services, which can strengthen the hospital-territory bond, ensure continuity of care and initiative medicine.
The construction of a network of alliances with public and private social actors, with universities, must reinforce the value of the Company and its commitment to providing services and its organisational methodology must be inspired by the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness in order to guarantee a level of quality such as to achieve full user satisfaction.
The centrality of the citizen (placed at the centre of the system as a bearer of constitutionally guaranteed rights) represents the fundamental point on which to base social-health planning and the organisation of the supply delivery system, orienting services and care processes to real needs.
Hence the choice of organizational models that can fully respond to the overall needs of citizens, that can combine effectiveness, efficiency, equity with cost-effectiveness and that can promote clinical and organizational appropriateness such as:
- the care model for intensity of care;
- the day care care model;
- own-initiative medicine;
- hospital-territory integration and continuity of care.