Thisyear it is finally possible to resume all in-person activities after the critical period of the pandemic. We did not even stop at that moment because the protection of workers’ health is an essential moral duty, as well as a legal obligation. We therefore begin again with pleasure and renewed enthusiasm to work as we were used to.
We have reached the seventeenth edition of the “Safety Week” event, the usual appointment of the European Campaign coordinated by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work and its partners in the 27 Member States of the European Union, a unique opportunity for a fruitful integration with the Regional Prevention Plan.
The training will be aimed at students of high schools in the province and university students of the Degree Course in Prevention Techniques in the Environment and Workplaces of the “La Sapienza” University of Rome, who will have the opportunity to interact with those who work in this field on a daily basis also by participating in guided tours of some companies.
The afternoon seminars will, as always, be aimed at safety figures and, once again, will offer a contribution to the dissemination of the safety culture, leveraging on the main actors who have the moral duty and legal responsibility to protect the health of workers.
Learn more
- For the course of 10 October it is necessary to register by Monday 9
- For the other courses, access is free (the registration form will be filled out directly at the entrance).
- All courses will be held at the Faculty of Environmental Prevention Techniques and in the workplaces of “La Sapienza” University, Viale Mazzini (former hospital).
- For the visit to the Temple of Jupiter Gallery on October 12, it is necessary to communicate the adhesion to the Order of Engineers