Midwife’s Day on May 5, is an event that for more than 30 years has involved a large number of nations around the world to enhance the fundamental role of the midwife in the perspective of global care (to care) that ensures the best outcomes in terms of the health of the woman, the child, the family, enhancing the health and physiology of birth.
For this special appointment and to celebrate Mother’s Day together, the midwives of the ASL consultants of Frosinone have organized, for the month of May, a series of events:
- On 2/5 at the Pontecorvo Clinic: ” Moms on the move”
- On 2/5 at the Fiuggi Clinic: ” Belly Painting: let’s paint the belly” and ” Baby Massage: the art of cuddling”
- On 3/5 at the Fiuggi Clinic: ” Vite di latte: grandmothers tell about breastfeeding experiences”
- On 4/5 at the Frosinone Clinic “BLSD paediatric course for mothers”
- On 8/5 at the Sora Clinic on the occasion of the meeting with mothers, the invitation will be given for the event “Oral health in pregnancy and approach to oral health of the child from birth” and ” Osteopathy in pregnancy and in the newborn” to be held on 30 May
- On 12/05, the Cassino Clinic organised ” Circles of life: mothers on the move and perineal rehabilitation”.
Midwives live this anniversary with the awareness of how fundamental it is to take care of women in their specificity, creating a therapeutic alliance in respect of their demands, emotional states, individuality, the deep and exclusive relationship that binds the uniqueness of being a mother to the new family unit, within the community.
Special thanks to all the women who have participated in the meetings that have already taken place,and to those who will participate in the following ones, to the professionals who, free of charge, have made these events possible, to all the midwives and all the operators, of every single Office who constantly strive to be by the side of women.