Pink Route: access to Genomic and Genetic tests begins in the Asl of Frosinone

A historic, important and enlightened turning point wanted by the Lazio Region, which has decided to extend genomic testing, so far pertaining to cancer institutes, also in Local Health Agencies.

Essential test to identify the most suitable treatments for women who have been found to have breast cancer and also predict the risk of recurrence, based on the intrinsic characteristics of the neoplasm. These tests are based on data from national and international clinical trials.

The test involves the analysis of a tumor sample removed at the site of surgery. Its evaluation will make it possible to identify the risk categories and, for some women with early stage neoplasia, to avoid inappropriate chemotherapy treatments.

The indication to perform genomic tests will be given by the Breast Unit team to patients with at least two risk factors. The analyses will be carried out at the UOC of Pathological Anatomy where a dedicated laboratory has been activated.

Genetic TESTS Genetic
tests consist of the search for mutations of the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes, which are fundamental for the prediction of the risk of the onset of breast and ovarian neoplasms and are performed on blood samples. The ASL of Frosinone will carry out the tests on subjects at genetic risk and with familiarity.

The professionals in the oncology department will decide on access to the test if at least one of the following criteria is met.
Personal history of:

  • Male breast cancer;
  • Woman with ovarian cancer;
  • Woman with breast cancer under 36 years of age;
  • Woman with triple negative breast cancer;
  • Woman with bilateral breast cancer.

Additional criteria for access to genetic testing will be evaluated by the reference oncologists during the visit: hereditary-familial cancers.

Citizens of the province of Frosinone and beyond will thus be able to carry out these fundamental exams, avoiding travel, often even very long, with savings of time and money. There will be faster response times and, in addition, if necessary, direct management in the oncology department.

Last Updated: 06/05/2022

Pubblicato il: 25/03/2022

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