Hepatitis C Prevention

130,000 citizens of the province of Frosinone, born between 1969 and 1989, should be screened for HCV (hepatitis C virus).
Among these, it is estimated that about one per thousand is positive for the HCV virus, that is, that between 100 and 130 people, with often asymptomatic infection, are at risk of developing cirrhosis or liver cancer.
To date, about 8,000 people have been screened and 3 of them have tested positive.
These 3 people taking a therapy with simple tablets by mouth will not develop liver cancer.
So there are about 100 to 130 people who will get cancer and don’t know it, although they could easily avoid it.
If only they did the screening they could discover the infection in time, start a short treatment without any suffering and heal permanently.
The ASL of Frosinone, like all the Healthcare Companies of Lazio, offers the possibility of screening for free at 14 sampling points.
You can book on the portal https://www.salutelazio.it/, or ask your doctor.
Screening for HCV is a trivial blood draw and can save our lives. Why not do it?

Last Updated: 19/05/2023

Pubblicato il: 19/05/2023

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