A day dedicated to the screening of oral cancer. This is what the Asl of Frosinone has organised for next Thursday, 21 April.
At the ENT clinic located on the second floor of the Spaziani Hospital in Frosinone, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., specialist visits of the oral cavity will be carried out during which all its sub-sites will be thoroughly analyzed: tongue, gums, cheek mucosa, palate, alveolar crest, lip and oral pelvis.
The screening day, sponsored by the Italian Association of Hospital Otolaryngologists, is aimed in particular at those who have:
- lesions of the oral cavity;
- intense discomfort;
- over the age of 18.
It can be accessed by booking at the email address prevenzionetestacollo@aslfrosinone.it
Neoplasms of the head-neck district are the seventh most common cancer in Europe, in Italy they represent 3% of cancer cases, with an average frequency three times higher in men and an incidence that increases progressively with age from the age of 50.
75% of head and neck carcinomas are caused by tobacco smoke and alcohol abuse; other determining factors are prolonged exposures to harmful materials such as wood dust, leather processing, asbestos, nickel, exposure to ionizing radiation and air pollutants and some viruses including human papilloma virus (HPV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).
In the specific case of oral cancer, the main risk factors are smoking, alcohol, Papillomavirus, poor oral hygiene, incongruous prostheses and chronic chewing trauma.
The onset of lesions of the mucosa of the oral cavity that do not spontaneously regress in 10-15 days is strongly suspected and requires a specialist maxillofacial or otorhinolaryngological examination.