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Magazin 2,07

„Timing of platelet activation of stored plateletpheresis“.

Autoren: Des Vorschlags G, Lanti A, Zwölfter F, Verzierung G

Datum: 2014


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Role of sedo-analgesie in execution of bone marrow biopsies

Autoren: Postorino M., Rossi R., Zizzari A. G., Marchesi F., Provenzano I., Franceschini L., Pupo L., Rizzo M., .Giannì L, Gumenyuk S., De Santis G., Renzi D., Guiducci G., Fiorelli E., Coniglione F., Puliti R., Berrini A., Dauri M..

Datum: 2012

Interessensgebiet: Hämatologie

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Magazin 7.15

Adjunctive Brivaracetam in Older Patients with Focal Seizures: Evidence from the BRIVAracetam add‑on First Italian netwoRk Study (BRIVAFIRST).

Autoren: Lattanzi S, Canafoglia L, Canevini MP, Casciato S, Cerulli Irelli E, Chiesa V, Dainese F, De Maria G, Didato G, Falcicchio G, Fanella M, Ferlazzo E, Gangitano M, Giorgi FS, La Neve A, Mecarelli O, Montalenti E, Morano A, Piazza F, Pulitano P, Quarato PP, Ranzato F, Rosati E, Tassi L, Di Bonaventura C; BRIVAFIRST Group Membership.

Datum: 2022

Interessensgebiet: Epilepsie

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Magazin 4,5

The evolutionary scenario of hepatocellular carcinoma in Italy: an update.

Autoren: schalen l

Datum: 17. Feb. 2023

Interessensgebiet: hepatologisch

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