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Extracorporealphotochemotherapy in the treatment of acute and chronicGvHD: experience from Rome Transplant Network.

Autoren: A. Lanti , S.D. Spurio , A.S. Ferraro, E. D’Alessandro,O.M. Chiru ,E.Fiorelli , R.Massarelli ,L. Cudillo, A. Picardi , E. Ceresoli , B. Mariotti ,I. Provenzano, G. Adorno ,G. Isacchi , W. Arcese

Datum: 2011

Interessensgebiet: Hämatologie/Transfusionsmedizin

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Feasibility and efficacy of 8 week Glecaprevir/Pibrentasvir to treat incarcerated viraemic HCV patients: A case-control study.

Autoren: Blüte V

Datum: 21. Februar 2023

Interessensgebiet: infektiös/Strafvollzugswesen

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Use of Plerixafor in Predicted and ProvenPoorMobilizer. Experienceof Universitätsklinikum Tor Vergata.

Autoren: Massimiliano Postorino, Alessandro Lanti, EleonoraFiorelli, Angelo Salvatore Ferraro, Oana Marilena Chiuru,Raffaella Massarelli, Luca Franceschini, Giorgia Guiducci,Provenzano I., Livio Pupo, Anna Giulia Zizzari, GaspareAdorno, Maria Cantonetti, Giancarlo Isacchi und Sergio Amadori. (2012).

Datum: 2012

Interessensgebiet: Hämatologie/Transfusionsmedizin

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Epilepsie, awareness of seizures and driving license: the potential role of 24-hour ambulatory EEG in defining seizure freedom.

Autoren: Fattouch J, Di Bonaventura C, Lapenta L, Casciato S, Fanella M, Morano A, Manfredi M, Giallonardo AT

Datum: 2012

Interessensgebiet: Epilepsie

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