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Magazin 2.912

Entwicklung und Validierung des HOPE Prognostic Index on 24-Month Posthospital Mortality and Rehospitalization: Italian National Research Center on Aging (INRCA)

Autoren: Abbatecola AM, Smokekekeeper L, Corsonello A, Sirolla C, Bustacchini S, Guffanti E.

Datum: 2011

Interessensgebiet: altern, Geriatrie

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Magazin 2,659

Screening für Frailty in elderly emergency department patients by using the Identification of Seniors At Risk (ISAR).

Autoren: Salvi F, Morichi V, Grilli A, Lancioni L, Spazzafumo L, Polonara S, Abbatecola AM, De Tommaso G, Dessi-Fulgheri P, Lattanzio F

Datum: 2012

Interessensgebiet: ernährung, Alterung

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Case-control genetic association studies in migraine: a 7-year experience at the Interinstitutional Multidisciplinary Biobank (BioBIM) of IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana

Autoren: Piero Barbanti, Raffaele Palmirotta, Maria Laura De Marchis, Cristiano Ialongo, Gabriella Ageo, Cinzia Aurilia, Luisa Fofi, Serena Piroso, Federica Fratangeli, Maria Giovanna Valente, Fiorella Guadagni

Datum: 2015

Interessensgebiet: Molekularbiologie in der Biobank

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Magazin 3,641

Überwachung von COVID-19-Impfstoffen in italienischen Langzeitpflegezentren: Die GEROCOVID VAX-STUDIE

Autoren: Abbatecola AM, Incalzi RA, Malara A, Palmieri A, Di Lonardo A, Fedele G, Stefanelli P, Borselli G, Russo M, Noale M, Fumagalli S, Gareri P, Mossello E, Trevisan C, Volpato S, Monzani F, Coin A, Bellelli G, Okoye C, Del Signore S, Zia G, Bottoni E, Cafariello C, Onder G; GeroCovid Vax Working Group. 

Datum: 2022

Interessensgebiet: impfung

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