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Magazin 13,2

Clinical patterns of hepatocellular carcinoma in nonalcoholic faty liver disease: A multicenter prospective study.

Autoren: Piscaglia F et al

Datum: 16. März 2023

Interessensgebiet: hepatologisch

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Magazin 10.170

Recurrent Ischemic Stroke and Bleeding in Patients with Atrial fibrillation who suffered an Acute stroke while on treatment with nonvitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants: The RENO-EXTEND study. Aug 2022. Schlaganfall Neurologie


Datum: 2022

Interessensgebiet: Neurologie/Notfall

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Magazin 9.54

Brivaracetam as add-on treatment in patients with post-stroke epilepsy: real-world data from the BRIVAracetam add-on First Italian netwoRk Study (BRIVAFIRST).

Autoren: Lattanzi S, Canafoglia L, Canevini MP, Casciato S, Irelli EC, Chiesa V, Dainese F, De Maria G, Didato G, Gennaro GD, Falcicchio G, Fanella M, Ferlazzo E, Gangitano M, La Neve A, Mecarelli O, Montalenti E, Morano A, Piazza F, Pizzanelli C, Pulitano P, Ranzato F, Rosati E, Tassi L, Di Bonaventura C; BRIVAFIRST Group Membership

Datum: 2022

Interessensgebiet: Epilepsie

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Eine enge glykämische Kontrolle ist bei älteren diabetischen RSA-Patienten mit einem ADL-Verlust verbunden: Ergebnisse DER RESIDO-STUDIE

Autoren: Armellini F., Bo M., D’Amico F., Desideri G., Falaschi P., Greco A., Guerrini G., Lattanzio F., Volpe C., Abbatecola a.M., Paolisso G

Datum: 2014

Interessensgebiet: RSA, Diabetes

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