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Magazin 3.992

Arterial stiffness and cognition in elderly with impaired glucose tolerance and microalbuminuria.

Autoren: Abbatecola AM, Barbieri M, Rizzo M, Grella R, Laieta MT, Quaranta E, Molinari AM, Cioffi M, Fioretto P, Paolisso P.

Datum: 2008

Interessensgebiet: altern, Geriatrie

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Evaluating HIV/AIDS education and prevention models targeting minorities, mobile and migrant populations:A systematic literature review. HAART and correlatedpathologies

Autoren: Uccella I,Fazioli C, Di Palma R, Mirisola C, Salman R

Datum: 2013

Interessensgebiet: öffentliche Gesundheit

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Magazin 4,902

Disentangling the Impact of Chronic Kidney Disease, Anemia, and Mobility Limitation on Mortality in Older Patients Discharged From Hospital.

Autoren: Lattanzio F, Corsonello A, Montesanto A, Abbatecola AM, Lofaro D, Passarino G, Fusco S, Corica F, Pedone C, Maggio M, Volpato S, Incalzi RA

Datum: 2015

Interessensgebiet: altern, Gerontologie

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Die arbeitsbedingten Erkrankungen der Migrantenpopulation

Autoren: ilaria Vogel

Datum: 2012

Interessensgebiet: ausbildungsprogramme für Infektionskrankheiten

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