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Magazin 3.083

A case of oralmycosisfungoidessuccessfullytreated by combination of alemtuzumab and chemotherapy

Autoren: Postorino M, Pupo L, Provenzano I, Del Principe MI, Buccisano F, Franceschini L, Rizzo M, Nasso D, Meconi F, Onnis I, Vaccarini S, Zizzari A, Anemona L, Mauramati S, Bruno E, Cantonetti M, Amadori S.

Datum: 2015

Interessensgebiet: Hämatologie

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Magazin 10.11

Ictal Epileptic Headache in Occipital Symptomatic Epilepsy: Not Only a Matter of Cortex.

Autoren: Fanella M, Morano A, Fattouch J, Albini M, Basili LM, Casciato S, Manfredi M, Giallonardo AT, Di Bonaventura C.

Datum: 2017

Interessensgebiet: Epilepsie

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AntiemeticProphylaxis with NEPA (NETUPITANT/PALONOSETRON) and Dexamethason to PreventChemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting (CINV) in Hodgkin ‘SLymphoma Naïve PatientsReceiving ABVD Regimen: A MulticenterPhaseIia Study

Autoren: Daniela Nasso,Silvia Bolis, Elisabetta Abbruzzese, Ilaria Romano,Ida Provenzano Cristiano Tesei,Ida Provenzano, Maria Cantonetti

Datum: 2020

Interessensgebiet: Hämatologie

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Magazin 1.927

Human orf complicated with erythema multiforme. A neglected disease in Italian woman

Autoren: Uccella I, Fabrizi P, Dell 'uomo V, Casinelli K, Lunghi F

Datum: 2019

Interessensgebiet: infektiöse Dermatologie

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